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Perth - Western Australia Celebrates Bi-Centenary Peruvian Independence Day - 24/07/2021
Peru-Australia Association Inc. together with a group of Peruvian fellow volunteers in Perth celebrate Peru's Independence Day and the bicentenary year at the East Victoria Bowling Club.

More than 100 people attended this community even enjoying the flavours of the Peruvian cuisine together with our national cocktails and drinks: Pisco Sours, Pisco Chilcanos and Inca Kolas. Raffles with prizes were collected on the gala evening also.
The event was entertained by local Peruvian Cumbia band "Kombi a Train' directed by Miguel de la Mata a local resident.

Expatriates far from their 
homeland were able to celebrate the pride of being Peruvian for this special date for the Peruvian community. A special message was given by the Western Australia Peru's Honorary Consul Mr Jose Bermedo to the Peruvian community in general.

The evening event ended the night with Peruvian creole music.

Piero Cabrera Director - WA Chapter


A perfect picture of Peru 2021 a 200 years of independence celebrations


Peruvian Creole Music for the gala night of celebrations


Peruvians and a key band player enjoying the evening
with tropical swing


Mr. Jose Bermedo, Peru's Honorary Consul in Western Australia gives a special warm message to the Peruvian community in Perth on the occasion of the bicentenary of independence


Women enjoying a dance of independence celebrations at the fiesta.


Western Australia Director of Peru Australia Association Inc.  Piero Cabrera
with raffle winners at the bicentenary celebration


Peruvian community women following a Latin dance and music
"Kombi A Train" local band.


Peruvian food menu prepared for the bicentenary evening fiesta

Ibero-American Business Networking Event Sydney - 28/04/2021
ALABC (Australian-Latin America Business Council) in partnership with La Camara invited us to join the 2nd edition of their Ibero-American Business Networking Event in Sydney.
Mauricio Panizo (President) and Luis Cuadros (Public Officer & Co-ordinator) attended this highly anticipated event and made new connections with other representatives of businesses working with Latin American countries over drinks and 
Canapés. The event was held at the City Tattersalls club in the heart of Sydney CBD.


Mauricio Panizo (Presiident PAAI), Hector Raul Paleaz (Consul General of Argentina), Ibero-American Rep. & Luis Cuadros (Public Officer PAAI)

Mauricio Panizo (Presiident PAAI), Adriana Vidal (International Trade & Finance), Luis Cuadros (Public Officer PAAI) and daughter of Adriana.

Ibero-American Business Networking Event - City Tattersalls Club


Respira Peru - Australia Campaign/Promocion Australia

What is “Respira Perú”?


“Respira Perú” is a campaign organized by the Peruvian Episcopal Conference, the Educational Group San Ignacio de Loyola and the National Society of Industries. The campaign’s aim is to confront the situation so many Peruvian citizens are facing at the moment. In particular many infected Peruvians are unable to afford oxygen bottles.  The money collected on behalf of Respira Peru will be used to help the areas with the greatest need.


The Peruvian media has many stories of the anguish felt by family members of people who are fighting Covid-19.  The families of many of those infected need to purchase oxygen but are unable to buy it because of its prohibitive cost.  In many places because of speculation and exploitation of the situation, the cost of a cubic metre of oxygen has gone from 12 soles to somewhere between 50 ($17 AUD) and 200 soles ($70 AUD). The total cost of an oxygen tank has gone up to 4,500 soles ($1550 AUD).


Peru is currently going through a harrowing time due to the ravages of Covid-19. Up to February 25th, the country more than 1,300,000 infections and more than 45,000 deaths. It ranked eighteenth in the world for the most Infections and fourth in South America.


The Peru-Australian Association Inc and the Australian Solidarity Group with Peru re COVID-19 responds to the distress many Peruvians are suffering.


We are urgently asking for your help.  Please donate as much as you can.  Peru is in desperate need of your support. Many people are dying because of lack of oxygen, mechanical ventilators, medicines, etc.  


The money that you donate will reach Respira Peru.


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¿Qué es “Respira Perú?


“Respira Perú” es una campaña organizada por la Conferencia Episcopal Peruana, el Grupo Educativo San Ignacio de Loyola y la Sociedad Nacional de Industrias para hacer frente a la crisis en la que viven miles de compatriotas debido a la falta de oxígeno.  El dinero recaudado por “Respira Perú” ayuda a las zonas del Perú donde más se necesitan.  Esta iniciativa está devolviendo las esperanzas a los pacientes que se encuentran en estado crítico por el COVID-19.


La prensa mediática del Perú informa sobre la angustia de familiares de pacientes graves que buscan oxígeno y no pueden adquirirlo debido al costo.  En muchos lugares la especulación y explotación hacen que el metro cubico de oxígeno, que normalmente se vendía antes de la pandemia a 12 soles, haya subido a 50 y hasta 200 soles.  Mientras el precio de los balones de 10 metros cúbicos ha llegado a la exorbitante suma de 4,500 soles. 


El Perú atraviesa actualmente un momento angustioso debido a los estragos del Covid-19. Hasta el 25 de febrero, el país más de 1.300.000 contagios y más de 45.000 muertes. Ocupó el decimoctavo lugar en el mundo por la mayor cantidad de infecciones y el cuarto en América del Sur. 


Las organizaciones Perú-Australia Association Incorporated y el Grupo Australiano de Solidaridad con el Perú acerca del Covid-19 responden a la preocupación que expresan muchos peruanos frente a este gran problema. 


Por tal motivo estamos organizando una campaña de donación de dinero que servirá para apoyar las carencias sanitarias, como adquisición de oxígeno, de ventiladores mecánicos, medicinas, etc.


El dinero que usted done llegará a la organización “Respira Perú”.

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